System Environment/Base

pam_require: A Pluggable Authentication Module (PAM) that allows you to require a special user or group to access a service.

Name:pam_require Vendor:The KDE-RedHat Project
Version:0.6 License:GPL
Release:0.0 URL:
A Pluggable Authentication Module (PAM) that allows you to require a special user or group to access a service.

Arch: src

Build Date:Thu May 19 10:37:46 2005
Packager:kde-redhat Developers <>
Size:84 KiB


* Thu May 19 19:00:00 2005 Rex Dieter 0.6-0.0
- 0.6 (first try) 
- rebuild

Listing created by RepoView-0.5.2-2.fc7