Packages not in Groups

kernel-xenU: The Linux kernel compiled for unprivileged Xen guest VMs

Name:kernel-xenU Vendor:StartCom Ltd.,
Version:2.6.16 License:GPLv2
Release:1.ML5.2 URL:
This package includes a version of the Linux kernel which runs in Xen unprivileged guest VMs. This should be installed both inside the unprivileged guest (for the modules) and in the guest0 domain.

Arch: x86_64

Build Date:Fri May 19 12:46:10 2006
Packager:Eddy Nigg <>
Size:14.68 MiB


* Sun May 14 11:00:00 2006 Eddy Nigg <eddy_nigg{%}startcom{*}org>
- Rebuild for StartCom Linux 5.0.x
- Fix
- Add SMB Filessystem support
* Thu May 4 11:00:00 2006 Dave Jones <davej{%}redhat{*}com> [2.6.16-1.2111_FC5]
- Revert broken Xen update that sneaked into the last update.
* Wed May 3 11:00:00 2006 Dave Jones <davej{%}redhat{*}com>
- disable MSI until 2.6.17.

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