Apache Eagle moved into the Attic in 2020-11. Apache Eagle was an open source analytics solution for identifying security and performance issues instantly on big data platforms.

The website, downloads and issue tracker all remain open, though the issue tracker is read-only. See the website at http://eagle.apache.org for more information on Eagle.

As with any project in the Attic - if you should choose to fork Eagle outside of Apache, please let us know so we can link to your project.

Read-only Resource Link(s)
Website eagle.apache.org/
Mailing List Archives dev | commits | issues | user
Issue Tracker (JIRA) EAGLE
Wiki cwiki.apache.org: EAG
Source Code (Git) https://gitbox.apache.org/repos/asf#eagle
Board Reports Minutes
Downloads archive.apache.org/dist/eagle/ | KEYS