PE Explorer for Windows 9x/ME/NT4/2000/XP/2003
Shareware US$129.00

Version 1.93
June 16, 2003

Copyright (c) 2000-2003 by Heaventools Software. All rights reserved.


PE Explorer is a multi-purpose PE (portable executable) file editor and binary 
header analysis tool for Windows developers. It tells you just about every little 
detail you could possibly want to know about a PE file (exe, dll, ActiveX, and 
several other executable formats). PE Explorer comes with a Visual Resource 
Editor, PE Header Viewer, Exported/Imported API Function Viewer, API Function 
Syntax Lookup, Dependency Scanner and Easy Disassembler. 

Sometimes you need to look inside of a program to figure out what's going on. 
PE Explorer is a program for doing just such looking on Windows Portable 
Executable (PE) files. PE Explorer will let you open up any .exe or .dll file and 
plunge right into the belly of the program. Once inside, file structure can be 
analyzed, problems diagnosed, changes made and resources repaired. 
You can check out resources (bitmaps, icons, strings, etc) and make modifications 
without needing to recompile.

PE Explorer offers one of the most convenient and easy-to-use resource 
editors available for Windows. Visual editing features let you quickly 
modify executable file resources from within the file without having to 
write any scripts. Dialog boxes, menus, string tables, icons, bitmaps 
and more are right at your fingertips.  

The product also allows you to edit the properties of controls on Delphi forms 
within the PE file. Because PE Explorer has itself been written using Delphi, 
there's a very strong emphasis on peeking inside Delphi applications and packages.

The latest addition to PE Explorer is Quick Function Syntax Lookup. Now, when 
reviewing functions with the Imports, Exports and Delay Imports viewers, 
clicking a function entry instantly displays the calling syntax for that 
function. Parameters, return values, calling conventions are conveniently 
displayed for you in the window below. Double clicking an entry launches a 
description editor for adding comments or changing details. Say good bye to 
digging through bloated help files and slogging through multiple archive 
volumes just to hash out an API reference.

Dependency Scanner tool recursively scans all modules linked to by a 
particular PE file.

Use it for serious development projects, for restoring lost information, 
for keeping damaged files intact, to reverse engineer projects with missing 
source code, or to simply reduce the numerous internal information sources 
of PE files into a more convenient viewing format. The possibilities are 
up to you. 

System Requirements:
 Pentium based IBM PC compatible computer (or higher).
 16MB of free memory;
 Microsoft Windows 9x/ME/NT/2000/XP/Server 2003;
 Screen resolution 800x600 (or higher);
 Windows-compatible pointing device called mouse;
 MSIE 4.0 (or higher) for the HTMLhelp system.

 Users working with large file sizes will benefit from system 
 requirements that exceed those listed above. This will ensure a faster 