"ZieglerCollection one" include 60 componets and a large collection of functions and routines, made to make your life, as a programmer, a lot easier.

Some of the components are listed below:

TzMinMax: component for easy formsize control.
TzBigLabel: Label-component for large text.
Tz3Dlabel: 3D-TzBigLabel descendant. 	 
TzAngleLabel: TLabel, that with caption in any angle.
TzTabListBox: An extended tListBox.
TzBitmap: Bitmap, with a lot of extras.
TzAnimated: TzBitmap descendant, can play cartoons.  
TzBackground: Tile a bitmap, or draw a color-blend. 
TzBlendPaint: Backdrop that will make a gradient fill.
TzTileMap: Backdrop that can have any bitmap tiled.  
TzLed: Led component.
TzSegment: 16-part led-segment. Show most characters. 
TzSegmentLabel: Label component, that uses TzSegments.
TzSegmentClock: Label clock-component. Uses TzSegments.
TzGauge: Show progress in any operation.
TzSlideBar: Used to scroll through a range of numbers.
TzFrame: Frames around other components.
TzDivider: Divider-line, that can be horizontal or vertical. 
TzMovePanel: TPanel component, that can be moved.
TzTitleBar: Useful if you want to set and remove titlebar.
TzHint: Manipulate the hint-window. Multiline hints. Fonts.
TzShowApp: A lot easier to control your tApplication.
TzVerSpilt: A vertical splitter-window.
TzHorSplit: A horizontal splitter-window.
TzMouseSpot: Add mouseevnts to pictures, maps and drawings.
TzCalc: Do calculations from strings. 
TzShapeBtn: Non-windowed button-component, in any shape.
TzColorBtn: Tbutton, Can change colors, multiline captions.
TzGradBtn: TzColorBtn with a gradient fill.
TzBitColBtn: TzColorBtn with glyph-bitmap on the button.
TzIconColBtn: TzColorBtn with icons for the glyphs.
TzScope: Display a lot of data visible. Oscilloscope-like.
TzPanelMeter: Display values in Panel meters.
TzKnob: Looks and works like a dial (knob) on a stereo.
TzDblKnob: TzKnob component. Select two values.
TzTripKnob: TzKnob component. Select three values.
TzTrayIcon: Easy handling of the tray (Win 95/98/NT 4.x).
TzNWColorBtn: Non-windowed button. Like a TzColorBtn.
TzNWBitColBtn: Non-windowed button. Like a TzBitColBtn.
TzNWIconColBtn: Non-windowed button. Like a TzIconColBtn.
TzNWBlendPaint: Backdrop that will make a gradient fill
TzNWTileMap: Backdrop Works in most ways like TzTileMap.
TzSplashForm: SplashForm when your application starts up.
TzCompCanvas: Draw on any Windowed control.
TzcDotSegment: 63-part dot-led-segment. Show any character.
TzcDotLabel: Label component, uses TzcDotSegments.
TzcDotClock: label clock-component, uses TzcDotSegments.
TzcPeakOmeter: Like a meter on your stereo.
TzcTimer: Like a normal TTimer component. Uses a thread.
TzcRunprog: Easy way to run an external program.
TzcURLLabel: Jump to a homepage, an email or maybe FTP.
TzcCustomOnoff: Parent component to build on/off switche. 
TzcLightOnOff: Works/looks like a normal lightswicth.
TzcPushOnOff: Works/looks like an industrial pushbotton.
TzcDblOnOff: Works/looks like on/off button on a radio.
TzcSingleOnOff: Works/looks like on/off button on a radio.
TzResBitmap: tBitmap descendant, loads from resourcefile.
TzDeskTop: tCanvas descendant, holds the complete desktop.

Functions and procedures are available for manipulating bitmaps, getting system info and a lot more.