Simple Internet Protocol (sip-o)

 Last Modified: 09/15/1999

 Current Status: Concluded Working Group

     Bob Hinden  <>
     Steve Deering  <>

 Applications Area Director(s):
     Ned Freed  <>
     Patrik Faltstrom  <>

 Applications Area Advisor:
     Scott Bradner  <>

 Mailing Lists: 
     To Subscribe:

Description of Working Group:

 Goals and Milestones:

   Done         Post the complete SIP specification as an Internet-Draft. 
                This specification shall include the header format, the 
                address format, ICMP and IGMP, the fragmentation protocol, 
                the source route protocol, and the the requirements SIP 
                imposes on higher layer protocols and lower later 
                protocols, e.g., ARP. 

   JAN 93       Post as an Internet-Draft a specification for the SIP MIB. 
                Detail the operation of SNMP over SIP. 

   JAN 93       Make available a public domain version of modified TCP and 
                UDP for the UNIX-BSD socket environment. 

   JAN 93       Make available a public domain implementation of SIP for 
                the UNIX-BSD socket environment. 

   Done         Post an Internet-Draft specifing the SIP addressing and 
                routing architecture. Include discussion of multicast and 
                mobile host support as well as a discussion of how policy 
                routing can be supported. Detail the changes required to 
                OSPF, BGP, and RIP. 

   MAR 93       Post as an Internet-Draft a report on the initial 
                implementation and experience with SIP. 

   JUN 93       Incorporate security into SIP. 

   Done         Post an Internet-Draft specifying changes to RIP needed for 


  No Current Internet-Drafts.

 Request For Comments:

  None to date.