Editor's note:  These minutes have not been edited.

San Jose2 IETF Proceedings

Transport Service Area
RSVP Working Group

Minutes of the Resource Reservation Setup Protocol Working Group (RSVP)

Reported by: Bob Braden/USC ISI

Monday December 9, 1930-2200

A. Document Status

The Montreal document agreed to submit the Version 1 RSVP protocol
specification (level 13), MD5 Integrity check, and RSVP/IPSEC documents
together to the IESG for Proposed Standard status.  Accordingly, they
were submitted to the Transport Area Director on September 3, 1996.
She subsequently asked for some changes to the RSVP protocol spec,
which were made and released.

One change was to make the Message Processing Rules a separate
document, intended to be Informational at present.  Although some
members felt that there would be benefits in retaining the integrity of
the original spec, the working group decided to accept this division.
Therefore, the requested Last Call now applies to the four Internet

	Version 1 RSVP Specification: draft-ietf-rsvp-spec-14.txt

	Message Processing Rules: draft-ietf-rsvp-procrules-00.txt

	RSVP Cryptographic Authentication: draft-ietf-rsvp-md5-02.txt

	RSVP Extensions for IPSEC: draft-berger-rsvp-ext-04.txt

B. Transition to rsvp-use-01

The data formats for Integrated Services objects have changed in the
latest RSVP-usage specification.  It was agreed that all vendors with
RSVP implementations must have implemented the new spec before the
end of January 1997.


Fred Baker introduced the latest versions of the RSVP MIB and two
Integrated Service MIBs (see slides).

The Sender Session Table (which records received Path messages) and the
Reservation Requests Table (which records received Resv messages) may
be writable.  Here "writable" implies that SNMP can insert a shadow
Path or Resv message into RSVP, as if the message had been received
from another node.  The semantics are that the message has an infinite
refresh time and therefore any state that it creates locally does not
time out.

The Reservations Requested table, which records Resv messages sent
upstream, is optional; implementations that do not otherwise save
this information do not have to implement this table.

The working group agreed that these specification should be submitted
for Proposed Standard, after changes agreed upon at this meeting are

D. RSVP Diagnostic Message

Lixia Zhang reported on progress in Diagnostic message implementation.
A prototype implementation has been completed jointly by UCLA and ISI.
The Diagnostic Message specification has been slightly revised
according to this implementation experience (and it was submitted as a
new I-D before San Jose IETF).  The implementation will be made
available after running more tests with more complex network
topologies.  UCLA will also work on adding a GUI interface to RSVP
diagnosis to display the results.

One main issue identified from the implementation effort is that RSVP
routers that have not implemented the diagnostic extension do not know
how to forward diagnostic messages.  Therefore, the Diagnostic message
extension can become fully useful only when it is universally
implemented by all RSVP-capable nodes.  Fortunately, several router
vendors promised to add the Diagnostic message to their implementations
as soon as the prototype implementation becomes stable.  The working
group agreed on the objective of sending the Diagnostic message to Last
Call after the next IETF meeting.

E. New RSVP Spec Issues

Bob Braden summarized some small issues that have arisen in the Version
1 RSVP spec.

	1. Remove the requirement that SCOPE list be sorted? Agreed.

	2. Add broadcast-media-specific optimizations to protocol?
		Agreed not.

	3. WF reservations policed even when there is no merging?
		Not settled.

	4. UDP encapsulation use well-known multicast group for
		multicast path messages?  Not settled.

	5. Default value for blockade multiplier Kb?  Not settled.

F. Policy

Shai Herzog briefly summarized the Policy BOF that he ran earlier.

Discussion with the RSVP Working Group led to a consensus: we should
prototype the policy facility and try a range of policies before it is
standardized.  A strategy was developed to allow prototyping within an
environment of production RSVP-capable routers: policy processing and
the policy database will be off-loaded from routers into distinct
policy server hosts.  This will allow rapid prototyping on the servers
without further modifications to the router software.  Herzog will
refine the Policy Data object spec and processing rules, to facilitate
this off-loading.  For the present, we will use proprietary
router/Policy server interface definitions.

Herzog then explained his suggested approach to fragmentation of
policy data objects.

G. RSVP API Definition

Don Hoffman reported that a group of vendors has been working on a
standard prototype RSVP API specification.  This definition will be
more detailed than the generic API in the RSVP protocol spec; in
particular, it will include the data structures to be passed in calls.
It is generally modeled on the specific API distributed with the ISI
RSVP implementation, but with Unix-isms removed.

The API definition is expected to provide a format for Integrated
Service data structures that is less complex than the format used on
the wire, more like the "extended legacy" format of the ISI code.  It
is currently undecided whether or not to support transparently passing
Integrated Service structures as well.

Hoffman will shortly publish a draft of the API definition Draft.

H. Interoperability Testing

Several of the vendors indicated interest in a new round of
interoperability testing, soon after the specification is finally
stable.  It was suggested that this be organized on the
rsvp-test@isi.edu mailing list.

I. Future Work

Bob Braden briefly went through the current open tasks for the
Working Group.

	1. Writing an Applicability Document

	   The most important is to write an Applicability document;
	   the Area Director indicated that this was a requirement
	   for the RSVP spec to actually reach Last Call.

	2. Designing Routing support for Reservations

	   This topic may pass to a QOSR working group.

	3. Designing Policy extensions

	4. Completing specification on using RSVP across tunnels

	   Lixia Zhang promised to help resolve all the remaining
	   issues concern RSVP tunnels.

	5. Incorporating Link Layer interface issues

	   These are mostly being handled in the ISSLL working group, but
	   there may be some feedback into the RSVP spec itself.

	6. Developing aggregation models and mechanisms

	7. Gathering information on specific RSVP implementations