Editor's Note:  Minutes received 8/3


Reported by Scott Bradner/Harvard

Minutes of the Benchmarking Working Group (BMWG)

The Benchmarking Methodology Working Group met on Monday, July 13th.

Two proposed additional performance tests were discussed.  The Group
concluded that one of the proposals should not be adopted.  The second
proposal, to add an application level performance test, should be
discussed with the test equipment vendors to see if they would be
willing to implement such tests.

The latest draft was discussed and a few editorial changes were

It was strongly urged that some additions be made to the draft to add
the rational behind the various tests and procedures.


James Beers              beers@nr-tech.cit.cornell.edu
Scott Bradner            sob@harvard.edu
Randy Butler             rbutler@ncsa.uiuc.edu
James Carlson            carlson@xylogics.com
Constance Fleenor Lloyd  cfleenor@lloyd.com
Kelly Furlong            kelly@kyle.ksc.nasa.gov
Bob Jeckell              rrj@3com.com
Alan Kullberg            akullber@bbn.com
Kim Long                 klong@sura.net
Bill Manning             bmanning@rice.edu
Cindy Mazza
Jim McQuaid
Steve Mohr               srm@nso.3com.com
Pushpendra Mohta         pushp@cerf.net
Chris Munnelly           munnelly@xylogics.com
K. K. Ramakrishnan       rama@erlang.enet.dec.com
Martin Schulman          mas@loyola.edu
Chris Sullivan           mm@gandalf.ca
Bernhard Volz            volz@process.com
Gerard White
