Packet Sampling WG (psamp)

Friday, November 12 at 0900-1130

CHAIRS: Andy Bierman <>
        Juergen Quittek <>


  1) Agenda bashing, WG Status                          ( 5 min)

  2) Update of Sampling Framework                       (10 min)
     - A Framework for Passive Packet Measurement
       - Draft updated after last call October 2004

  3) Update od Packet Selection                         (15 min)
     - Sampling and Filtering Techniques for IP Packet Selection
       - Draft entered WG last call in October 2004
     - Discussion of issues raised in last call

  4) Discussion of open PSAMP protocol issues           (15 min)
     - Packet Sampling (PSAMP) Protocol Specifications
       - Draft expired, not available online
       - Waiting for IPFIX WG to close issues on IPFIX protocol
     - Report on progress of IPFIX protocol

  5) Discussion of open PSAMP Information Model issues  (10 min)
     - Information Model for Packet Sampling Exports
       - Draft not updated since July 2004
       - Waiting for IPFIX WG to close issues on IPFIX info model
     - Report on progress of IPFIX info model

  6) PSAMP MIB                                          ( 5 min)
     - Definitions of Managed Objects for Packet Sampling
       - Draft not updated since July 2004
       - Based on Packet Selection draft
       - Can be completed after closing Packet Selection issues.

  7) Wrap up                                            (10 min)
     - action points
     - schedule for remaining documents


A Framework for Passive Packet Measurement

Sampling and Filtering Techniques for IP Packet Selection

Packet Sampling (PSAMP) Protocol Specifications (expired)

Information Model for Packet Sampling Exports

Definitions of Managed Objects for Packet Sampling