Packet Sampling WG (psamp) Friday, November 12 at 0900-1130 ================================ CHAIRS: Andy Bierman <> Juergen Quittek <> AGENDA: 1) Agenda bashing, WG Status ( 5 min) 2) Update of Sampling Framework (10 min) - A Framework for Passive Packet Measurement - Draft updated after last call October 2004 3) Update od Packet Selection (15 min) - Sampling and Filtering Techniques for IP Packet Selection - Draft entered WG last call in October 2004 - Discussion of issues raised in last call 4) Discussion of open PSAMP protocol issues (15 min) - Packet Sampling (PSAMP) Protocol Specifications - Draft expired, not available online - Waiting for IPFIX WG to close issues on IPFIX protocol - Report on progress of IPFIX protocol 5) Discussion of open PSAMP Information Model issues (10 min) - Information Model for Packet Sampling Exports - Draft not updated since July 2004 - Waiting for IPFIX WG to close issues on IPFIX info model - Report on progress of IPFIX info model 6) PSAMP MIB ( 5 min) - Definitions of Managed Objects for Packet Sampling - Draft not updated since July 2004 - Based on Packet Selection draft - Can be completed after closing Packet Selection issues. 7) Wrap up (10 min) - action points - schedule for remaining documents INTERNET DRAFTS: A Framework for Passive Packet Measurement Sampling and Filtering Techniques for IP Packet Selection Packet Sampling (PSAMP) Protocol Specifications (expired) draft-ietf-psamp-protocol-01.txt Information Model for Packet Sampling Exports Definitions of Managed Objects for Packet Sampling