Path Computation Element BOF (pce)

Wednesday, November 10 at 1530-1730

CHAIR: P Vasseur ( 
       Adrian Farrel ( 


1)  Introduction, admin, statement of objectives of this second PCE BOF 
2)  Quick summary of the conclusion of the first BOF held in San Diego 
3)  Problem space: recap of the PCE architecture ID 
4)  Summary of existing and updated drafts 
    a.  draft-farrel-ccamp-interdomain-framework-00.txt 
    b.  draft-vasseur-ccamp-inter-area-as-te-comp-00.txt 
    c.  draft-vasseur-mpls-computation-rsvp 
    d.  draft-oki-ccamp-gtep-00.txt 
5)  New drafts published since IETF-60 
    a.  draft-draft-ogino-pce-recovery-pc-model-00.txt 
    b.  draft-mescal draft-mescal-pcp-proto-00.txt (?) 
    c.  draft-mescal-pce-fwk-00.txt (?) 
6)  Discussion of the proposed architecture 
7)  Discussion about the need for a WG 
8)  Proposed charter (see below) 
9)  Summary and conclusions 


In certain MPLS TE networks it may be beneficial or desirable to 
have path computation performed by a distinct node (termed the Path 
Computation Element – PCE) that is not the LSR that needs to 
know the path. This BOF examines the scope of such function, what 
extensions to existing protocols might be required, what additional 
protocols may need to be developed, and whether there is cause and 
support for this work within the IETF. 

Proposed Charter 

WG items: 
-  Functional specification of Generalized Traffic Engineered LSP 
   path computation techniques involving Path Computation Element(s). 
   This includes the case of intra IGP area, inter IGP area, inter-AS 
   and inter-provider TE LSPs path computation for both Point to 
   Point, Point to Multipoint and Multipoint to Multipoint TE LSPs. 

-  Specification of routing (OSPF, ISIS, BGP) and signaling (RSVP-TE) 
   extensions required by PCE-based path computation techniques. 
   Specification of routing extensions in support of PCE discovery 
   techniques within an IGP area and across multiple IGP areas, ASes 
   and Provider networks. The proposed extensions will done in 
   conjunction with the WGs in charge of the specification of those 

-  Specification of new protocols or modifications to existing 
   protocols to facilitate communication between LSRs and PCEs, and 
   between a PCE and other PCEs. 

-  Definition of protocol-independent metrics defining path quality 
   measurement criteria, algorithm complexity and scalability 
   criteria related to path computation techniques. 

-  Specification of requirements and protocol extensions related to 
   the policy, security and confidentiality aspects of PCE-based path 
   computation techniques involving PCEs of multiple Providers. 

-  Definition of MIBs and management procedures related to the new 
   protocols, protocol extensions and operational elements defined 
   by the WG. 

The WG will work closely with the following other WGs: CCAMP, MPLS, 
ISIS, OSPF; and will also cooperate with the ITU-T and OIF where 