SASLAUTHD(8) System Manager's Manual SASLAUTHD(8) NNAAMMEE ssaassllaauutthhdd - sasl authentication server SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS ssaassllaauutthhdd --aa _a_u_t_h_m_e_c_h [--TTvvddcchhll] [--OO _o_p_t_i_o_n] [--mm _m_u_x___p_a_t_h] [--nn _t_h_r_e_a_d_s] [--ss _s_i_z_e] [--tt _t_i_m_e_o_u_t] DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN ssaassllaauutthhdd is a daemon process that handles plaintext authentication requests on behalf of the SASL library. The server fulfills two roles: it isolates all code requiring superuser privileges into a single process, and it can be used to provide _p_r_o_x_y authentication services to clients that do not understand SASL based authentication. ssaassllaauutthhdd should be started from the system boot scripts when going to multi-user mode. When running against a protected authentication database (e.g. the shadow mechanism), it must be run as the superuser. OOppttiioonnss Options named by lower-case letters configure the server itself. Upper-case options control the behavior of specific authentication mecha­ nisms; their applicability to a particular authentication mechanism is described in the _A_U_T_H_E_N_T_I_C_A_T_I_O_N _M_E_C_H_A_N_I_S_M_S section. --aa _a_u_t_h_m_e_c_h Use _a_u_t_h_m_e_c_h as the authentication mechanism. (See the _A_U_T_H_E_N_T_I_C_A_T_I_O_N _M_E_C_H_A_N_I_S_M_S section below.) This parameter is mandatory. --OO _o_p_t_i_o_n A mechanism specific option (e.g. rimap hostname or config file path) --HH _h_o_s_t_n_a_m_e The remote host to be contacted by the rimap authentication mech­ anism. (Depricated, use -O instead) --mm _p_a_t_h Use _p_a_t_h as the pathname to the named socket to listen on for connection requests. This must be an absolute pathname, and MUST NOT include the trailing "/mux". Note that the default for this value is "/var/state/saslauthd" (or what was specified at compile time) and that this directory must exist for saslauthd to func­ tion. --nn _t_h_r_e_a_d_s Use _t_h_r_e_a_d_s processes for responding to authentication queries. (default: 5) A value of zero will indicate that saslauthd should fork an individual process for each connection. This can solve leaks that occur in some deployments.. --ss _s_i_z_e Use _s_i_z_e as the table size of the hash table (in kilobytes) --tt _t_i_m_e_o_u_t Use _t_i_m_e_o_u_t as the expiration time of the authentication cache (in seconds) --TT Honour time-of-day login restrictions. --hh Show usage information --cc Enable cacheing of authentication credentials --ll Disable the use of a lock file for controlling access to accept(). --vv Print the version number and available authentication mechanisms on standard error, then exit. --dd Debugging mode. LLooggggiinngg ssaassllaauutthhdd logs it's activities via ssyyssllooggdd using the LOG_AUTH facility. AAUUTTHHEENNTTIICCAATTIIOONN MMEECCHHAANNIISSMMSS ssaassllaauutthhdd supports one or more "authentication mechanisms", dependent upon the facilities provided by the underlying operating system. The mechanism is selected by the --aahhoo flag from the following list of choices: dce _(_A_I_X_) Authenticate using the DCE authentication environment. getpwent _(_A_l_l _p_l_a_t_f_o_r_m_s_) Authenticate using the ggeettppwweenntt() library function. Typically this authenticates against the local password file. See your systems getpwent(3) man page for details. kerberos4 _(_A_l_l _p_l_a_t_f_o_r_m_s_) Authenticate against the local Kerberos 4 realm. (See the _N_O_T_E_S section for caveats about this driver.) kerberos5 _(_A_l_l _p_l_a_t_f_o_r_m_s_) Authenticate against the local Kerberos 5 realm. pam _(_L_i_n_u_x_, _S_o_l_a_r_i_s_) Authenticate using Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM). rimap _(_A_l_l _p_l_a_t_f_o_r_m_s_) Forward authentication requests to a remote IMAP server. This driver connects to a remote IMAP server, specified using the -O flag, and attempts to login (via an IMAP `LOGIN' command) using the credentials supplied to the local server. If the remote authentication succeeds the local connection is also considered to be authenticated. The remote connection is closed as soon as the tagged response from the `LOGIN' command is received from the remote server. The _o_p_t_i_o_n parameter to the --OO flag describes the remote server to forward authentication requests to. _h_o_s_t_n_a_m_e can be a hostname ( or a dotted-quad IP address ( The latter is useful if the remote server is multi-homed and has network interfaces that are unreachable from the local IMAP server. The remote host is contacted on the `imap' service port. A non-default port can be specified by appending a slash and the port name or number to the _h_o_s_t_n_a_m_e argument. The --OO flag and argument are mandatory when using the rimap mechanism. shadow _(_A_I_X_, _I_r_i_x_, _L_i_n_u_x_, _S_o_l_a_r_i_s_) Authenticate against the local "shadow password file". The exact mechanism is system dependent. ssaassllaauutthhdd currently understands the ggeettssppnnaamm() and ggeettuusseerrppww() library routines. Some systems honour the --TT flag. sasldb _(_A_l_l _p_l_a_t_f_o_r_m_s_) Authenticate against the SASL authentication database. Note that this is probabally not what you want to be using, and is even disabled at compile-time by default. If you want to use sasldb with the SASL library, you probably want to use the pwcheck_method of "auxprop" along with the sasldb auxprop plu­ gin instead. ldap _(_A_l_l _p_l_a_t_f_o_r_m_s _t_h_a_t _s_u_p_p_o_r_t _O_p_e_n_L_D_A_P _2_._0 _o_r _h_i_g_h_e_r_) Authenticate against an ldap server. The ldap configuration parameters are read from /usr/local/etc/saslauthd.conf. The location of this file can be changed with the -O parameter. See the LDAP_SASLAUTHD file included with the distribution for the list of available parameters. sia _(_D_i_g_i_t_a_l _U_N_I_X_) Authenticate using the Digital UNIX Security Integration Architecture (a.k.a. "enhanced security"). NNOOTTEESS The kerberos4 authentication driver consumes considerable resources. To perform an authentication it must obtain a ticket granting ticket from the TGT server oonn eevveerryy aauutthheennttiiccaattiioonn rreeqquueesstt.. The Kerberos library rou­ tines that obtain the TGT also create a local ticket file, on the reason­ able assumption that you will want to save the TGT for use by other Ker­ beros applications. These ticket files are unusable by ssaassllaauutthhdd , how­ ever there is no way not to create them. The overhead of creating and removing these ticket files can cause serious performance degradation on busy servers. (Kerberos was never intended to be used in this manner, anyway.) FFIILLEESS /var/run/saslauthd/mux The default communications socket. /usr/local/etc/saslauthd.conf The default configuration file for ldap support. SSEEEE AALLSSOO passwd(1), getpwent(3), getspnam(3), getuserpw(3), sasl_checkpass(3) sia_authenticate_user(3), CMU-SASL CMU-SASL