A Survey of Free Math Fonts for TeX and LaTeX1Stephen G. Hartke2May 5, 2006 |
Computer Modern, CM Bright, Concrete and Euler, Concrete Math, Iwona, Kurier, Antykwa Półtawskiego, Antykwa ToruńskaCore Postscript Fonts
Kerkis, Millennial, fouriernc, pxfonts, Pazo, mathpple, txfonts, Belleek, mathptmx, mbtimesOther Free Fonts
Arev Sans, Math Design with Charter, Comic Sans, Math Design with Garamond, Fourier-GUTenberg, Math Design with UtopiaComparison of Features
Figure 3: Concrete text with Euler math (\usepackage{ccfonts,eulervm} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}). Note that Concrete does not have a bold font, so Computer Modern is used instead. Non-bold text output uses the CM-Super Concrete fonts.
Figure 4: Concrete text with Concrete math (\usepackage{ccfonts} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}). Note that Concrete does not have a bold font, so Computer Modern is used instead. Non-bold text output uses the CM-Super Concrete fonts.
Adobe Postscript URW++/Ghostscript # of fonts package
Avant Garde URW Gothic L 4 avant Bookman URW Bookman L 4 bookman Courier Nimbus Mono L 4 courier Helvetica Nimbus Sans L 8 helvet New Century Schoolbook Century Schoolbook L 4 newcent Palatino URW Palladio L 4 palatino Symbol Standard Symbols L 1 — Times Nimbus Roman No. 9 L 4 times Zapf Chancery URW Chancery L 1 chancery Zapf Dingbats Dingbats 1 —
Figure 9: Kerkis text and math (\usepackage{kmath,kerkis}; the order of the packages matters, since kmath loads the txfonts package which changes the default text font).
The only sans serif fonts with matching math fonts are CM Bright and Arev Sans. Both work well for presentations. Computer Modern sans serif, CM Bright, Arev Sans, Bera Sans, Kerkis Sans, Helvetica, and Avant Garde all work well as sans serif fonts that accompany a primary roman font. Computer Modern typewriter, txtt (from txfonts), Luxi Mono [61], and Bera Mono all work well as typewriters fonts.
Package Text Greek CM sym AMS sym Calligr Blkbd boldmath
computer modern cm cm cm ams cm ams yes cmbright cmbright cmbright cm* cm* cm* ams no ccfonts,eulervm concrete euler euler ams euler ams yes concmath concrete concrete concmath concmath concmath concmath no iwona iwona iwona iwona iwona cm* ams yes kurier kurier kurier kurier kurier cm* ams yes anttor anttor anttor anttor anttor anttor ams yes kmath,kerkis kerkis kerkis txfonts txfonts txfonts txfonts yes millennial nc schlbk millennial txfonts txfonts txfonts ams no fouriernc nc schlbk fourier fourier fourier fourier fourier yes pxfonts palatino pxfonts txfonts* txfonts* txfonts* pxfonts yes mathpazo palatino pazo cm ams cm pazo yes mathpple palatino euler euler ams cm ams yes txfonts times txfonts txfonts txfonts txfonts txfonts yes mathtime (Belleek) times belleek belleek ams cm ams no mathptmx times symbol cm ams rsfs ams no mbtimes omega omega mbtimes ams rsfs* esstix yes arev arev arev md charter md charter cm fourier yes mathdesign (Charter) charter md charter md charter md charter rsfs* ams yes comicsans comicsans comicsans cm cm cm cm yes mathdesign (Garamond) garamond md garamond md garamond md garamond rsfs* ams* yes fourier utopia fourier fourier fourier fourier fourier yes mathdesign (Utopia) utopia md garamond md utopia md utopia rsfs* ams* yes
Figure 25: Sample LaTeX file for fourier. The file sampleformat.tex contains page layout commands, such as setting the margins and removing the page numbers. The file textfragment.tex contains the text and mathematics fragment to be displayed. Both included files are used by every sample LaTeX file. The line “\usepackage{fourier}” was changed for each sample to the package listed in the sample's caption.
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