-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- This is the main program-executable (netscape.exe) from Netscape32 v4.75, U.S. "only" security-version (128-bit). The exe was first patched for splash-screen (see Pc.nfo), then compressed with ASPack v2.001. - - - - - - - - *Very* highly suggest that *if* you decide to replace your current install of the same name (Netscape32 v4.75, U.S. "only" security-version, or *whatever*) with the enclosed Exe, that you re-name your original copy (suggested name is 'netscape.exe.OLD'). See 'Shortcut to cc32d475.exe' for your very own personal Path-To-Download :o) -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: PGP 6.5.3 Comment: What a hobby for a grown Troll with my IQ... iQCVAwUBOZ3RzO2J/4zOuEl1AQECEAQAwXAuxqMyw4mTGrVBEGmluXn66dK7qkj3 PLxRmovuHAzZ93iK70viuL8riCTAesc00TqsFeRCaWXD8lysc8G5ZNMrMBwQszr/ y2GXup9Tb6hriAvwy1ZIrSId5DBsHOxaN0zmqo2E/WJvVkTc7KbUaC9iDZnr4mcW AtbKNrhRjig= =/8sO -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----