; semi-colon is the comment character [sortorder] ;=============================================================================== ; ; @(#)espdict.srt 88.1 12/12/93 ; ; Sort Order Overview: ; -------------------- ; Based on the Hewlett-Packard ROMAN8 proprietary character set, this sort ; order is a case-sensitive ordering. Upper case letters always sort before ; their lower case counterparts. ; ; It is useful Spanish locales ; ; Ligatures, Sort-Doubles, etc.: ; ------------------------------ ; AE, ae ligatures ; German sharp-s ligature with "ss" ; ; CH sort double ; LL sort double ; ; N-tilde is a seperate character, after N ; ; ; The ordering: ; -------------- ; first all non-alphanumeric characters in binary order ; followed by all numeric digits ; then followed by all alphabetic characters ;=============================================================================== class = 0x01 ; Class `1' sort order id = 0x37 ; Unique ID # (55) for the sort order name = espdict_roman8 menuname = "Spanish dictionary ordering." charset = roman8 description = "Spanish dictionary sort order for use in Spanish and most\ Latin American locales. Uses the Hewlett-Packard ROMAN8 character set and is\ case-sensitive." ; ligatures for English, French, and German lig = 0xD3, after AE ; AE ligature lig = 0xD7, after ae ; ae ligature lig = 0xDE, after ss ; small german letter sharp s ; Control characters char = 0x01 ;(SOH) start of heading char = 0x02 ;(STX) start of text char = 0x03 ;(ETX) end of text char = 0x04 ;(EOT) end of transmission char = 0x05 ;(ENQ) enquiry char = 0x06 ;(ACK) acknowledge char = 0x07 ;(BEL) bell char = 0x08 ;(BS) backspace char = 0x09 ;(HT) horizontal tab char = 0x0A ;(LF) newline, or line feed char = 0x0B ;(VT) vertical tab char = 0x0C ;(FF) form feed char = 0x0D ;(CR) carriage return char = 0x0E ;(SO) shift out char = 0x0F ;(SI) shift in char = 0x10 ;(DLE) data link escape char = 0x11 ;(DC1) device control 1 char = 0x12 ;(DC2) device control 2 char = 0x13 ;(DC3) device control 3 char = 0x14 ;(DC4) device control 4 char = 0x15 ;(NAK) negative acknowledge char = 0x16 ;(SYN) synchronous idle char = 0x17 ;(ETB) end transmission blk char = 0x18 ;(CAN) cancel char = 0x19 ;(EM) end of medium char = 0x1A ;(SUB) substitute char = 0x1B ;(ESC) escape char = 0x1C ;(FS) file separator char = 0x1D ;(GS) group separator char = 0x1E ;(RS) record separator char = 0x1F ;(US) unit separator ; All non-alphanumeric characters, including puntuation ; These are sorted merely by their numerical ordering ; based on the ISO 8859-1 standard for clarity and ; consistency char = 0x20 ;( ) space char = 0x21 ;(!) exclamation mark char = 0x22 ;(") quotation mark char = 0x23 ;(#) number sign char = 0x24 ;($) dollar sign char = 0x25 ;(%) percent sign char = 0x26 ;(&) ampersand char = 0x27 ;(') apostrophe char = 0x28 ;(() left parenthesis char = 0x29 ;()) right parenthesis char = 0x2A ;(*) asterisk char = 0x2B ;(+) plus sign char = 0x2C ;(,) comma char = 0x2D ;(-) hyphen, minus sign char = 0xF6 ; long dash char = 0x2E ;(.) full stop char = 0x2F ;(/) solidus char = 0x3A ;(:) colon char = 0x3B ;(;) semicolon char = 0x3C ;(<) less-than sign char = 0x3D ;(=) equals sign char = 0x3E ;(>) greater-than sign char = 0x3F ;(?) question mark char = 0x40 ;(@) commercial at char = 0x5B ;([) left square bracket char = 0x5C ;(\) reverse solidus char = 0x5D ;(]) right square bracket char = 0x5E ;(^) circumflex accent char = 0xAA ; circumflex accent char = 0x5F ;(_) low line char = 0x60 ;(`) grave accent char = 0xA9 ; grave accent char = 0x7B ;({) left curly bracket char = 0x7C ;(|) vertical line char = 0x7D ;(}) right curly bracket char = 0x7E ;(~) tilde char = 0xAC ; tilde char = 0xFC ;solid square char = 0x7F ;delete, or rubout char = 0x80 ; undefined char = 0x81 ; undefined char = 0x82 ; undefined char = 0x83 ; undefined char = 0x84 ; undefined char = 0x85 ; undefined char = 0x86 ; undefined char = 0x87 ; undefined char = 0x88 ; undefined char = 0x89 ; undefined char = 0x8A ; undefined char = 0x8B ; undefined char = 0x8C ; undefined char = 0x8D ; undefined char = 0x8E ; undefined char = 0x8F ; undefined char = 0x90 ; undefined char = 0x91 ; undefined char = 0x92 ; undefined char = 0x93 ; undefined char = 0x94 ; undefined char = 0x95 ; undefined char = 0x96 ; undefined char = 0x97 ; undefined char = 0x98 ; undefined char = 0x99 ; undefined char = 0x9A ; undefined char = 0x9B ; undefined char = 0x9C ; undefined char = 0x9D ; undefined char = 0x9E ; undefined char = 0x9F ; undefined char = 0xFF ; undefined char = 0xA0 ;no-break space char = 0xB8 ;inverted exclamation mark char = 0xBF ;cent sign char = 0xBB ;pound sign char = 0xAF ;Italian lira sign char = 0xBA ;currency sign char = 0xBC ;yen sign char = 0xBE ;Dutch guilder ;char = 0xA6 in iso_1 ;broken bar char = 0xBD ;paragraph sign, section sign char = 0xAB ;diaeresis ;char = 0xA9 in iso_1 ;copyright sign char = 0xF9 ;feminine ordinal indicator char = 0xFB ;left angle quotation mark ;char = 0xAC in iso_1 ;not sign ;char = 0xAD in iso_1 ;soft hyphen ;char = 0xAE in iso_1 ;registered trade mark sign char = 0xB0 ;macron char = 0xB3 ;ring above or degree sign char = 0xFE ;plus/minus (+/-) sign ;char = 0xB2 in iso_1 ;superscript 2 ;char = 0xB3 in iso_1 ;superscript 3 char = 0xA8 ;acute accent char = 0xF3 ;micro sign char = 0xF4 ;pilcrow or paragraph sign char = 0xF2 ;middle dot ;char = 0xB8 in iso_1 ;cedilla ;char = 0xB9 in iso_1 ;superscript 1 char = 0xFA ;masculine ordinal indicator char = 0xFD ;right angle quotation mark char = 0xF7 ;vulgar fraction one quarter char = 0xF8 ;vulgar fraction one half char = 0xF5 ;vulgar fraction three quarter char = 0xB9 ;inverted question mark ;char = 0xD7 in iso_1 ;multiplication sign ;char = 0xF7 in iso_1 ;division sign ; Digits char = 0x30 ;(0) digit zero char = 0x31 ;(1) digit one char = 0x32 ;(2) digit two char = 0x33 ;(3) digit three char = 0x34 ;(4) digit four char = 0x35 ;(5) digit five char = 0x36 ;(6) digit six char = 0x37 ;(7) digit seven char = 0x38 ;(8) digit eight char = 0x39 ;(9) digit nine ; Latin Alphabet char = 0x41,0x61,0xA1,0xC8,0xE0,0xC4,0xA2,0xC0,0xE1,0xE2,0xD8,0xCC,0xD0,0xD4 ;A, a, A-grave, a-grave, A-acute, a-acute, A-circumflex, a-circumflex, ;A-tilde, a-tilde, ;A-diaeresis, a-diaeresis, A-ring, a-ring char = 0x42,0x62 ;letter B, b char = 0x43,0x63, 0xB4,0xB5 ;letters C, c, C-cedilla, c-cedilla char = CH, Ch, cH, ch ; Spanish "CH" char = 0x44,0x64 ;letter D, d char = 0x45,0x65,0xA3,0xC9,0xDC,0xC5,0xA4,0xC1,0xA5,0xCD ;E, e, E-grave, e-grave, E-acute, e-acute, E-circumflex, e-circumflex, ;E-diaeresis, e-diaeresis char = 0x46,0x66 ;letter F, f char = 0x47,0x67 ;letter G, g char = 0x48,0x68 ;letter H, h char = 0x49,0x69,0xE6,0xD9,0xE5,0xD5,0xA6,0xD1,0xA7,0xDD ;I, i, I-grave, i-grave, I-acute, i-acute, I-circumflex, i-circumflex, ;I-diaeresis, i-diaeresis char = 0x4A,0x6A ;letter J, j char = 0x4B,0x6B ;letter K, k char = 0x4C,0x6C ;letter L, l char = LL, Ll, lL, ll ;Spanish "LL" char = 0x4D,0x6D ;letter M, m char = 0x4E,0x6E ;letters N, n char = 0xB6,0xB7 ;Spanish N-tilde, n-tilde char = 0x4F,0x6F,0xE8,0xCA,0xE7,0xC6,0xDF,0xC2,0xE9,0xEA,0xDA,0xCE,0xD2,0xD6 ;O, o, O-grave, o-grave, O-acute, o-acute, O-circumflex, o-circumflex, ;O-tilde, o-tilde, O-diaeresis, o-diaeresis, O-stroke, o-stroke char = 0x50,0x70 ;letter P, p char = 0x51,0x71 ;letter Q, q char = 0x52,0x72 ;letter R, r char = 0x53,0x73,0xEB,0xEC ;S, s, S-caron, s-caron char = 0x54,0x74 ;letter T, t char = 0x55,0x75,0xAD,0xCB,0xED,0xC7,0xAE,0xC3,0xDB,0xCF ;U, u, U-grave, u-grave, U-acute, u-acute, ;U-circumflex, u-circumflex, U-diaeresis, u-diaeresis char = 0x56,0x76 ;letter V, v char = 0x57,0x77 ;letter W, w char = 0x58,0x78 ;letter X, x char = 0x59,0x79,0xB1,0xB2,0xEE,0xEF ;Y, y, Y-acute, y-acute, Y-diaeresis, y-diaeresis char = 0x5A,0x7A ;letter Z, z ; Alpha characters not used in English, French or German: char = 0xE3,0xE4 ;icelandic capital letter eth, small letter eth char = 0xF0,0xF1 ;icelandic capital letter thorn, small letter thorn