ADDING, MODIFYING, DELETING SERVER ENTRIES For every server (such as Adaptive Server, Backup Server, XP Server) in your Sybase installation, you must specify network connection information to perform tasks like starting the server or connecting clients to the server. When you install Adaptive Server and Backup Server, interface file entries are created for those servers. You do not need to use dsedit to add them. You must add interfaces file entries for all servers in your Sybase installation for which no entry is created automatically. You can modify server entries, to specify a change in host name or network address, for example. You also can delete server entries that you no longer need. To add a server entry: --------------------- Click the Add Server Entry button in the Directory Service Session screen. dsedit displays the Server Entry Editor, where you specify information about the server. To modify a server entry: ------------------------ 1. Highlight the name of the server in the Available Servers list. 2. Click Modify Server Entry. dsedit displays the Server Entry Editor where you can change the connection information for the server or change the server name for the entry. You can open several Server Entry Editors and add or modify several server entries at once. To delete server entries: ------------------------ 1. Highlight the name(s) of the server(s) in the Available Servers list. 2. Click Delete Server Entry. To copy server entries: ---------------------- 1. Highlight the name(s) of the server(s) in the Available Servers list. 2. Click Copy Server Entry. dsedit displays the Select a Destination Directory Service screen. To specify the destination for the server(s): 3. Click Sybase Interfaces File in the field at the top of the screen. 4. Type the name of the file in the Interfaces File to Copy To field. To create an entry based on an existing entry: --------------------------------------------- 1. Copy the entry to the same file you are copying from. dsedit creates an identical entry in the file with the server name "SERVER_2" (or the next available number). To rename the entry to an actual server: 2. Select Modify Server Entry in the Directory Service Session screen. 3. Type the correct server name in the Server Entry Editor over the name created by dsedit.