[Whonix-devel] Fwd: Re: [guardian-dev] Super Image Resolution Impact on CameraV

bancfc at openmailbox.org bancfc at openmailbox.org
Thu Sep 8 00:52:54 CEST 2016

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [guardian-dev] Super Image Resolution Impact on CameraV
Date: 2016-09-02 03:00
 From: Nathan of Guardian <nathan at guardianproject.info>
To: bancfc at openmailbox.org, guardian-dev at lists.mayfirst.org
Cc: whonix-devel at whonix.org

Thanks for the note. Regarding face blurring, I think you are thinking
of ObscuraCam, and not CameraV (which is an encrypted camera for
evidence gathering).

ObscuraCam in fact does offer a full pixel removal "black bar" option.
In addition, we don't blur the photos, but actually pixelate them using
a technique that is resistant to the kind of reconstruction you mention.
  You can find some of the native code we use here:

On Thu, Sep 1, 2016, at 08:58 PM, bancfc at openmailbox.org wrote:
> I came across something which I think impacts the security assumptions
> of CameraV.
> Super image resolution is becoming a reality meaning that very blurred
> face pics can be reconstructed with great accuracy because of machine
> learning. I think the only way around this is to blot out faces
> completely with solid colors.
> https://github.com/david-gpu/srez/blob/master/README.md
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