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automake -
A GNU tool for automatically creating Makefiles.
automake14 -
A GNU tool for automatically creating Makefiles.
automake15 -
A GNU tool for automatically creating Makefiles.
automake16 -
A GNU tool for automatically creating Makefiles.
automake17 -
A GNU tool for automatically creating Makefiles.
binutils -
A GNU collection of binary utilities.
binutils220 -
Binary utilities for the preview of GCC version 4.4
cmake -
Cross-platform make system
cscope -
C source code tree search and browse tool
cvs -
A version control system.
cvs-inetd -
CVS server configuration for xinetd
dejagnu -
A front end for testing other programs.
desktop-file-utils -
Utilities for manipulating .desktop files
devhelp -
API document browser
diffstat -
A utility which provides statistics based on the output of diff.
doxygen -
A documentation system for C/C++.
eclipse-cdt -
Eclipse C/C++ Development Tools (CDT) plugin
elfutils -
A collection of utilities and DSOs to handle compiled objects
elfutils-devel -
Development libraries to handle compiled objects
elfutils-devel-static -
Static archives to handle compiled objects
elfutils-libelf -
Library to read and write ELF files
elfutils-libelf-devel -
Development support for libelf
elfutils-libelf-devel-static -
Static archive of libelf
elfutils-libs -
Libraries to handle compiled objects
etherboot-pxes -
Etherboot - boot roms in .pxe format
etherboot-roms -
Etherboot - boot roms in .rom format
etherboot-roms-kvm -
Etherboot - boot roms supported by KVM, .rom format
etherboot-zroms -
Etherboot - boot roms in .zrom format
etherboot-zroms-kvm -
Etherboot - boot roms supported by KVM, .zrom format
flex -
A tool for creating scanners (text pattern recognizers).
gettext -
GNU libraries and utilities for producing multi-lingual messages
gettext-devel -
Development files for gettext
git -
Core git tools
git-all -
Meta-package to pull in all git tools
git-cvs -
Git tools for importing CVS repositories
git-daemon -
Git protocol daemon
git-email -
Git tools for sending email
git-gui -
Git GUI tool
git-svn -
Git tools for importing Subversion repositories
gitk -
Git revision tree visualiser
gitweb -
Simple web interface to git repositories
gjdoc -
GNU Javadoc
glade2 -
A GTK+ GUI builder.
glibc-utils -
Development utilities from GNU C library
gnome-doc-utils -
Documentation utilities for the GNOME project
gob2 -
GOB2, The GObject Builder
gperf -
A perfect hash function generator.
gpxe-roms-qemu -
Network boot loader roms supported by QEMU, .rom format
gtk-doc -
API documentation generation tool for GTK+ and GNOME
icon-slicer -
Utility for icon theme generation
intltool -
Utility for internationalizing various kinds of data files.
java-1.4.2-gcj-compat-devel -
JPackage development scripts for GCJ
java-1.6.0-openjdk-devel -
OpenJDK Development Environment
kvm -
Kernel-based Virtual Machine
kvm-qemu-img -
Qemu disk image utility
kvm-tools -
KVM debugging and diagnostics tools
libtool -
The GNU Portable Library Tool
make -
A GNU tool which simplifies the build process for users.
nasm-rdoff -
Tools for the RDOFF binary format, sometimes used with NASM.
patch -
The GNU patch command, for modifying/upgrading files.
pfmon -
a performance monitoring tool for Linux/ia64
pkgconfig -
A tool for determining compilation options.
python-tools -
A collection of development tools included with Python.
qt-designer -
Interface designer (IDE) for the Qt toolkit
rcs -
Revision Control System (RCS) file version management tools.
rpm-build -
Scripts and executable programs used to build packages.
sip -
SIP - Python/C++ Bindings Generator
subversion -
Modern Version Control System designed to replace CVS
subversion-devel -
Development package for Subversion developers.
yum-utils -
Utilities based around the yum package manager