text editors/integrated development environments (ide)

libswt3-gtk2 - SWT Library for GTK2

Website: http://www.eclipse.org/
License: EPL
Vendor: JPackage Project
SWT Library for GTK2.


libswt3-gtk2-3.1.2-6jpp.i386 [2.5 MiB] Changelog by Jason Corley (2006-06-20):
- massive spec cleanups (too many to list or enumerate)
- mozilla to seamonkey
- it would be nice if the fedora cabal could actually manage to write a spec
  that came close to approximating the standards they force on everyone else
- TODO: far too many RH/Fedora-isms, we should work to remove that

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-5.mga4.tainted