
jrms - JRMS - Java Reliable Multicast Service

License: BSD-style
Vendor: JPackage Project
The Java Reliable Multicast Service[tm] is a set of libraries
and services for building multicast applications. It enables
building applications that multicast data from senders to
receivers. The JRM Service supports multiple reliable multicast
transports through a federated interface, which provides
isolation to applications, and a service provider interface
underneath to allow third parties to plug in other reliable
multicast transport implementations.

The JRM Service can be used by information distribution
applications as the transport for delivery of content to very
large constituencies. As compared to unicast protocols (i.e.,
HTTP), reliable multicast enables broadcasting to groups of
receivers, ensuring bandwidth conservation and timely delivery.
TRAM, a reliable multicast transport protocol developed along
with the JRM Service, is designed for high scalability, targeted
at very large numbers of receivers. The JRM Service also includes
new services for multicast address allocation and management of
channels, as well as a dynamic filtering mechanism that uses Java
software classes which are pushed into the network for the purpose
of interpreting the data downstream from the server.


jrms-1.1-1jpp.src [2.3 MiB] Changelog by Ralph Apel (2005-03-01):
- First release
jrms-1.1-1jpp.noarch [13 KiB] Changelog by Ralph Apel (2005-03-01):
- First release

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