
jetty5-extra - Extras for jetty5

License: Apache 2.0 License
Vendor: JPackage Project
The purpose of this project is to enrich Jetty by
selectively incorporating useful J2EE and non-J2EE
features. The result is JettyPlus, an environment
offering additional facilities to core web and servlet
services, but which does not entail a full-blown
application server (such as JettyJBoss and JettyJOnAS).
The feature set currently contains:
Java Transaction API (JTA) and Resource references, eg DataSources
Java Naming and Directory Interface API (JNDI)
Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS)
Java Mail
These features have been implemented as a pluggable,
Service-based architecture. This means that it is
possible to develop and use alternative services to
those provided.


jetty5-extra-5.1.2-2jpp.noarch [212 KiB] Changelog by Ralph Apel (2005-03-14):
- link commons-logging to %{_homedir}/ext
- link jspapi to %{_homedir}/ext
- only use %{_homedir}/etc not conf

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