
jonathan-jeremie - Distributed Object Platform (DOP) written entirely in Java

License: LGPL
Vendor: JPackage Project
Jonathan is a Distributed Object Platform (DOP) written entirely in
Java. Jonathan was developed originally at the research labs of France
Télécom in the context of the European project ReTINA, whose aim was to
define an architecture for telecommunications distributed environments.
Telecommunications applications such as multimedia services have
stringent requirements in terms of scalability, adaptability and
realtime. Jonathan's response to this is through its "openness" in the
sense that contrary to standard DOPs (and in particular, most CORBA
ORBs), the abstractions that make up its internal machinery are
accessible by an application programmer and may be specialized to meet
specific requirements.

Jonathan is organised around a very small kernel (namely Kilim) that
essentially lets the infrastructure components communicate. Currently,
these components consist of a number of independently developed
protocols, marshallers, stub factories, etc.

Different personalities can be built using these components. A
personality is a set of normalized Application Programming Interfaces:
Java RMI is a personality, CORBA is another, COM still another...
Jonathan provides two personnalities:

    * David is a CORBA ORB implementation. David lacks a number of CORBA
      features (POA, interface repository, Dynamic Any,...) and provides only
      a naive naming service implementation. However, our ambition is to fill
      these gaps and to provide a reference CORBA implementation.

    * Jeremie provides an RMI-like programming style.


jonathan-jeremie-4.2.1-1jpp.src [453 KiB] Changelog by Fernando Nasser (2005-03-30):
- Upgrade to 4.2.1
jonathan-jeremie-4.2.1-1jpp.noarch [191 KiB] Changelog by Fernando Nasser (2005-03-30):
- Upgrade to 4.2.1

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