Rahul Sundaram indicated that he is planning to package The LDP docs for Fedora Extras.
Jaqui Greenlees was wondering where he can find the template file for the HOWTOs. Trevor Harmon replied pointing him to Links in the author guide to the templates.
Rodolfo J. Paiz said, with a small hint of sadness, that he will shortly be un-subscribing from the LDP lists. In the roughly 10 months he has been there, he has not found the time to make a more significant contribution (for several reasons) and believed that it is best that he focuses his efforts elsewhere. People went on to discuss what could be done to address his concerns and the topic of subject specialists was brought up again, upon which David Lawyer said, "I just want to remind people that my proposal for subject specialists was not just for people to list themselves as specialists, but for them to assume responsibility for all the docs in their field of specialty. This responsibility would begin with the specialist reviewing all the docs in this subject and possibly suggesting mergers or splits. Also, if some (or even all) of the docs are out-of-date, the subject specialist would need to either get the existing authors to redo them or (in many cases) recruit new authors. One can use the Internet for recruiting: Find people who discuss the topic on various mailing lists (and who know what they are writing about), contact local Linux User Groups, etc. So, the subject specialist is both a reviewer, coordinator (merge or split), and recruiter. It's a lot of work. The categories (subjects) need to be selected so that there will be at least a few docs in that subject. Also, in some cases, the subject specialist may also be the author of a doc in that subject area.".
The following are the latest additions to our list of mirrors:
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The LDP Weekly News is compiled, edited and published by Machtelt Garrels (Tille) and Y Giridhar Appaji Nag (Giri) with help from several other people. To receive this newsletter weekly in your mailbox, subscribe to the <news-subscribe@en.tldp.org> mailing list. Back issues are available at http://tldp.org/ldpwn
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