fetchmail alpha tarballs were outdated and have been withdrawn. Please clone the "next" branch from the Git repository instead, either from git://git.code.sf.net/p/fetchmail/git (this mirror) or from the upstream repository, https://gitlab.com/fetchmail/fetchmail.git After cloning, please do: git checkout next ; ${PAGER-more} README.git ----- Alpha2+MAPI is - for the nonce - the last attempt at establishing MAPI support. It is kept for archival purposes only and MAPI development has stopped. Later Alpha versions no longer offer MAPI support. The regular fetchmail feature set, particularly POP3 + IMAP, continues. MAPI would require attention, test accounts, ..., but none of that has been provided, there has been no testing, no test account for the maintainer, no nothing. So it was stuck in a dead end. It looks as though the Google Code project to add MAPI to fetchmail was a stillborn. If you believe otherwise, please subscribe to the fetchmail-devel@lists.berlios.de mailing list and speak up, offering support (which may include leading a small subproject on a separate Git branch to establish MAPI support).