30 September 2003 ================= Not much to say, yet. This font is the result of an evening spent with the Bitstream Vera Sans font and the pfaedit program. Essentially, just as Microsoft's Tahoma was designed as a screen-width friendlier version of their Verdana (and Bitstream Vera appears to have been strongly influenced by Verdana), Toga is meant to be a narrower version of Vera. In fact, that's what it literally is, because I ended up just using "scale" on all the characters and then adjusting the metrics accordingly. It looks better than the versions where I tried to manually adjust kern pairs and whatnot. Unlike Bitstream Vera Sans, this is version 0.10. I'm putting it out there because (a) I want a narrower but still pretty font on all my machines, and (b) I'm hoping its derivative, offensive-to-real-font-designers nature will cause there to eventually be a REAL "Bitstream Vera Sans Semi-Condensed". ;) Rob Kudla Binara, Inc.