Tulip Ethernet Card Driver

The Tulip driver is developed by Donald Becker and changed by
Takashi Manabe. This driver is designed to work with PCI Ethernet
cards which use the DECchip DC21x4x family. This driver hopefully
works with all of 1.2.x and 1.3.x kernels, but I tested only
with 1.2.13, 1.3.39, 1.3.49, 1.3.52, 1.3.57 and later.

Hopefully, the de4x5.c driver will support all cards supported
by the tulip.c driver. However, the SMC's 9332dst card and some
cards do not work with the de4x5.c driver. So, if your card is
not a 9332dst, please try the de4x5.c driver first.

Success List

|vendor/card                          |chip       |system       |
|SMC                                  |           |             |
|     EtherPower 10 PCI(8432T/8432BT) |21040/21041|Pentium      |
|SMC                                  |           |             |
|     EtherPower 10/100 PCI(9332DST)  |21140      |Pentium/UDB  |
|DEC                                  |           |             |
|     EtherWorks 100/10 PCI(DE500-XA) |21140      |Pentium      |
|DEC                                  |           |             |
|     EtherWorks 10 PCI(DE450)        |21041      |Pentium      |
|DEC                                  |           |             |
|     QSILVER's                       |21040      |UDB          |
|ZNYX                                 |           |             |
|     312 etherarray                  |21040      |Pentium      |
|Allied Telesis                       |           |             |
|     LA100PCI-T                      |21140      |Pentium/UDB  |
|Danpex ('Planet Japan' in Japan?)    |           |             |
|     EN-9400                         |21040      |Pentium      |
|Cogent                               |           |             |
|     EM110                           |21140      |Pentium      |

Pentium: PCI machine with Pentium CPU
UDB:     Universal Desktop Box(aka Multia) with Alpha 21066 CPU

Known bug(s)
This driver's media detection is very simple and sometimes
it causes serious problem. The driver automatically switches
media when it causes timeout. If you want to specify or to fix
a media;

- Modify TULIP_PORT in tulip.c, line 33.
- Uncomment the definition of TULIP_FIX_PORT in tulip.c, line 40.


- Use patched ifconfig command and specify 'link='. The patch
  against ifconfig.c in net-tools-1.3.50-BETA6e is included in
  this file.


o becker@CESDIS.gsfc.nasa.gov (author of the tulip.c driver)
o davies@wanton.lkg.dec.com (author of the de4x5.c driver)

o siekas@mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu

o jheiss@calvin.caltech.edu (providing information about smc8432 card)
o goto@plathome.co.jp (lending me a DE450 card)
o ted@physics.ucsb.edu
o pmheuvel@xs4all.nl
o hjl@lucon.org (EN-9400)
o niles@axp745.gsfc.nasa.gov (ZNYX312)
o pkc@scs.carleton.ca (EM110)
o and testers...

*** ifconfig.c-dist	Wed Jan 17 07:25:36 1996
--- ifconfig.c	Tue Apr  9 15:24:25 1996
*** 765,770 ****
--- 766,786 ----
  		ifr.ifr_map.irq = atoi(*spp);
+ 		if (ioctl(skfd, SIOCSIFMAP, &ifr) < 0) {
+ 			fprintf(stderr, "SIOCSIFMAP: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+ 			goterr = 1;
+ 		}
+ 		spp++;
+ 		continue;
+ 	}
+ 	if (!strcmp(*spp, "link")) {
+ 		if (*++spp == NULL) usage();
+ 		if (ioctl(skfd, SIOCGIFMAP, &ifr) < 0) {
+ 			goterr = 1;
+ 			continue;
+ 		}
+ 		ifr.ifr_map.port = atoi(*spp);
  		if (ioctl(skfd, SIOCSIFMAP, &ifr) < 0) {
  			fprintf(stderr, "SIOCSIFMAP: %s\n", strerror(errno));
  			goterr = 1;